Creating an account - BuildBee Support

Creating an account

To use BuildBee, you must first create an account. This is a quick and easy process!
Any account created this way is a Free tier account.

Method 1 - Create an account using your email address

- Navigate to


BuildBee create account

Enter a valid email address and create a password in the provided spaces. 
Your password must be at least 8 characters and include at least one capital letter and one number. 
- Click 'CREATE ACCOUNT' to finish. A verification link will be sent to your email, this may take a few minutes.

BuildBee create account

- When you receive the email, click the verification link to confirm your account. You can now navigate back to and sign in using your new account details.

Method 2 - Create an account using 'SIGN IN WITH GOOGLE' button

- Select the 'SIGN IN WITH GOOGLE' button.
- This will automatically create an account for you with your Gmail or Google enterprise email (this includes DET addresses). You will be automatically logged after confirming your details.

BuildBee sign in with Google

From here, you can start configuring printers to use with your account or be added to a site that has printers associated with it. Make sure you then get the correct rights applied to your account.

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