BuildSense printability score and predicting 3D print failures
BuildSense is our trained machine learning algorithm that assesses a 3D model and compares it to the success rate of the last few hundred thousand print jobs requested through BuildBee and provides you with a simple "Printability" score. BuildSense ...
Repairing a model
If BuildBee prevents you from printing a model or it doesn't print properly, there may be an issue with how the model was created. Usually, you are able to fix these bad models by 'repairing' them using either Microsoft 3D Builder or Netfabb Online ...
Why can't I reach the printer Maintenance Page
The maintenance page is served by the BuildBee CloudDock directly and is not on the internet. This means your device must be on the same local network as the CloudDock to access it. If you cannot access the maintenance page, you may see a loading ...
DET Edge network support updates (can't configure, printers offline)
DET NSW are beginning to roll out a new internet service across all of their schools which changes the way devices access the internet. As a result of this change, our BuildBee CloudDock devices have been affected in the schools that have been rolled ...
Reducing file size - Face count
BuildBee has a limit of 30MB for STL files to avoid long wait times for slicing. Usually, files this large are either physically too big for the printer to produce or the detail (face count) is too high. You can reduce it easily by using a free ...
Calibrating your Z-Offset
This help article uses a Me3D as an example. Use caution when calibrating other supported 3D printers, as there may be extra steps involved. Please review the 'Additional Steps' section of the BuildBee documentation for your 3D printer, which can be ...
Reset your BuildBee password
If you've forgotten your BuildBee password or you're unable to login due to an error, try these steps: Step 1 - Go to the 'Forgot Password' screen - From the sign in page, click 'FORGOT PASSWORD' or directly go here. - In the email text box, type the ...
Model analysis failed
If BuildBee prevents you from printing a model or it doesn't print properly, there may be an issue with how the model was created. You may see a message like the ones below: Step 1 - Repair the model - A lot of these errors are caused by models that ...
Printer states
When viewing your printers in the printer list, you will notice that each of them (if you have more than one) will display the current state of that BuildBee. These statuses tell you what the printer is doing and are useful for troubleshooting ...
BuildBee model upload failures
If a model you upload to BuildBee fails to upload successfully, it is easy to identify and fix. Step 1 - Confirm if your upload failed - Firstly, your model will fail to produce a preview image: - Secondly, if you attempt to print the model it will ...
Exporting the BuildBee log
To help diagnose an issue you may be having, a member of our support team may ask you to send us a log of the messages being sent between your BuildBee and 3D printer. This is a great way to capture the full story after an error has occurred. Step 1 ...
Z-Offset did not calibrate properly
Make sure your BuildBee is running the latest version. If you are still experiencing issues with your Z-Offset being too high/low even after calibrating it, something may have gone wrong during the calibration process. While it is an uncommon ...
Helper discs
It can be hard to keep corners and narrow components of a printed object from curling up from the print bed. This may be due to the design of the object, the type of filament you are using or the settings that you are using. Helper discs act like ...
IT: Finding the IP address and MAC address of a BuildBee CloudDock
If you are troubleshooting the Internet connection of a BuildBee CloudDock, knowing the IP or MAC address of the device may help you out: Getting the CloudDock IP address Method 1: BuildBee enterprise tools This method is only available to users with ...
A printer is showing up as 'Offline'
If you have gone to print something and your 3D printer appears as 'Offline', your BuildBee CloudDock is unable connect to the Internet. You can run through these steps to identify the cause of the problem: Step 1 - Check if the SD card is missing or ...
Printer is 'Ready' but won't print
If you get to the end of the BuildBee print setup process, select 'PRINT' and nothing happens, don't worry because it is easy to fix! A BuildBee CloudDock will display as 'READY' if it is connected to the Internet and connected to a 3D printer via ...
Updating your BuildBee CloudDock
Most BuildBee updates happen automatically and will be available when you log in or refresh your page. However, larger updates to the BuildBee CloudDock device must be manually triggered. Step 1 - Access your list of printers Your account will need ...