How do I change between subscription tiers?
If you wish to revert to a free tier account simply cancel your current subscription. See the Where can I manage my current subscription? help article for more details. If you wish to move between paid tiers you must first cancel your subscription ...
What happens if I miss a payment?
When a payment attempt fails Our payments are automatically debited from the registered payment method (Credit Card, Bank Debit, Google Pay ect.). If there is an issue with the transaction we will attempt to debit the payment 4 times over a 2 week ...
What to do if I have a problem with my subscription?
If you have any issues with your subscription please contact the BuildBee support team via the BuildBee “Help” button, filling out the support form or by sending an email to
How can I change my billing details / payment method?
Please visit the Where can I manage my current subscription? article for detailed instructions.
How can I get receipts and invoices?
Please visit the Where can I manage my current subscription? article for detailed instructions.
When do I get billed?
Your next billing date can be viewed at any time by navigating to and clicking 'VIEW SUBSCRIPTION'. Billing cycles can be either Monthly or Yearly depending on your plan.
I accidentally cancelled my subscription. What can I do?
If you’ve cancelled your subscription but the billing period has not yet finished you can stop the cancellation process at any time. Navigate to the subscription management page and click the renew plan button. If your plan’s cancellation has been ...
How can I cancel my subscription?
Please visit the Where can I manage my current subscription? article for detailed instructions.
Where can I manage my current subscription?
Viewing your current subscription You can view your current subscription by going to the account management page. To find this page click the navigation menu dropdown in the top right of the app and select My Account Changing the number of printers ...