Renaming a printer - BuildBee Support

Renaming a printer

After being configured for the first time, your BuildBee CloudDocks are assigned a random name to help identify the 3D printer it is attached to:

You may not particularly like the name assigned to your printer, or you may just want to personalise it to fit a naming theme amongst your 3D printers. For some inspiration, some naming themes we've seen include famous scientists, countries and characters from Star Wars and Scooby-Doo.


Step 1 - Access your printers in enterprise tools

- Select the enterprise tools icon from the top right corner of the screen

- On the dashboard screen, select the 'printers' icon from the side:

Step 2 - Edit your printers name

-  Select the printer you wish to rename.

- Select the pencil 'edit' icon next to its name on the next screen:


- Type in the new name for the printer. Click on the pencil icon again to save the change.


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