Locking a Printer - BuildBee Support

Lock a printer for maintenance

When managing an Enterprise Site, you may want to prevent users from using a printer or even perform maintenance on a printer without being interrupted. You can accomplish this by locking your printer into "maintenance".

What does locking a printer do?

Locking a printer does the following:  
  1. Stops users printing directly to the printer
  2. Stops queued jobs from being dispatched to the printer
  3. Adds a label to the printer explaining why the printer is unavailable 
NOTE: If you have the ability to lock a printer from maintenance you will retain the ability to print to a printer while it is locked for maintenance.
This allows you to work on a locked machine without being disturbed by other users.

Who can lock a printer?

You can lock a printer if you are in an enterprise site and you:
  1. Are the Enterprise Administrator
  2. Are a Site Manager
  3. Have been granted the right to perform maintenance on a printer

How to lock a printer

Step one: Go to the Enterprise Printers page

Go to the Enterprise Tools page. Click on the Printers tab in the side menu.
enterprise printers page

Step two: Click on the printer you wish to lock.

Printer page

Step Three: Click the "Lock for maintenance" switch.

Locked printer page

The printer has now been locked for maintenance. Regular users who would otherwise have access to this device will see the following message:
locked printer

To unlock a printer that is currently locked, simply repeat steps 1 - 3

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