It can be hard to keep corners and narrow components of a printed object from curling up from the print bed. This may be due to the design of the object, the type of filament you are using or the settings that you are using.
Helper discs act like feet that are used to help anchor your object to the print bed. These helper disks can be added to your design as an alternative to using rafts, as it will use less plastic and print quicker. The disks can easily be peeled off or cut away once the print has finished.
Step 1 - Upload your STL to the BuildBee plater
Step 2 - Identify problem areas on your model
- Make any necessary changes to the scale or orientation of the model
- Identify where you think the model may lift up during a print. This will usually be at the corners or along narrow features.
Step 3 - Add feet to the problem areas
- For each area you identify, select 'ADD FEET' to generate a disc on the plate.
- Move each disc to the desired location.
Step 4 - Save your changes and re-upload
- Select 'SAVE' once you are satisfied with the changes you've made. This will download a new file named 'Me3D Plate'.
- Return to BuildBee and re-upload the new file you just downloaded.
Step 5 - Remove the helper discs
- Once the print has finished, carefully remove the helper discs by either snapping them off or using a sharp tool to remove the excess plastic.